Welcome to the St. Michael's youth blog! This blog is to help inform both youth and parents about upcoming events and activities. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to know more about a certain activity please feel free to call me, the youth minister Mary Conkling, on my cell at (757)-754-6216 or email me at maryoleson21@yahoo.com!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Summer 2010 Mission Trips

This coming summer St. Michael's is trying something new. Instead of simply having one mission trip, we are offering two mission trips. Unlike in the past, this year any youth who has finished 6th grade is invited to participate in a mission trip.

Macon Georgia: July 9th - July 18th
This trip is open to anyone who has completed 6th grade. It will cost $600, which includes the $100 deposit that is required to hold an individuals spot. This price is subject to change depending on the final number count.

Mission Trip Timeline
2/28 - $100 deposit due
3/31 - first payment of $250 due and all paperwork must be completed
4/28 - second payment of $250 due
5/30 - mandatory group meeting with both parents and you to go over preparations
In late June/early July we will have a final meeting to discuss last minute logistics.
7/9 - depart late evening for Houston
7/18 - return home

While we are at Mercer college we will have afternoon mission projects rich and varied, including working in a local food bank, playing with children at a community center, and working with organizations like Habitat for Humanity.

Fundraising is a vital part of any mission trip. I am going to help the youth in organizing and setting up the fundraising, but I really want them to take ownership of their fundraising. I think it is important that they take a large role in this element, so that they can feel proud of how much money they raise. All money that is raised will be used to help offset the price of the mission trip. In order for youth to receive money raised from the fundraising they must participate in the fundraising activity.

NYC: August 1st - August 6th

This trip is open to anyone who has completed the 9th grade. It will cost $1,000, which includes the $100 deposit which is required to hold an individual's spot. This price is subject to change depending on the price of airfare.

Mission Trip Timeline
2/28 - $100 deposit due
3/31 - first payment of $250 due and all paperwork
4/28 - second payment of $250 due
5/26 - third payment of $250 due
6/13 - mandatory meeting of both youth and adults to discuss the upcoming mission trip
6/30 - final payment of $150 due
7/25 - final meeting one week before departing for NYC
8/1 - depart early morning for NYC, meet at the airport
8/6 - return form NYC, parents meet us at the airport

While we are in NYC the youth will be exposed to new situations, opportunities, and physical surroundings that will challenge their stereotypes and assumptions. By living in an urban setting, they will interact with epople of the city. Participants are fed in small, family operated, ethnic restaurants that provide an additional window into the cultures of the world.

Fundraising is a vital part of any mission trip. I am going to help the youth in organizing and setting up the fundraising, but I really want them to take ownership of their fundraising. I think it is important that they take a large role in this element, so that they can feel proud of how much money they raise. All money that is raised will be used to help offset the price of the mission trip. In order for youth to receive money raised from the fundraising they must participate in the fundraising activity.

If you are interested in one or both of these mission trips please pick up orange and blue packets in either Room 8 or the parish hall that discuss these trips in greater detail.

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